The Metaverse is already here, but is your Company ready?
This new reality will significantly change the way brands can interact with users,
with impacts on relationships and the use of services.
It will be essential to select the right options for your strategic and communication objectives.
After analysis of project needs, it will be necessary to decide:
- how to build the editorial plan
- whether to implement showroom scenarios
- what kind of immersive experience to generate
- what dynamics and modes of interactions to trigger
- if access should be via a viewer or browser
- the best Metaverse environment for achieving project objectives: existing Metaverse platform (Roblox, Decentreland), 100% custom platform, or SaaS platform

The Metaverse offers many business opportunities to companies: we can create new work and sharing spaces, new places for business meetings with customers, and spaces for organising events and presenting our products and services.
It makes it possible to enter virtual stores, wear and examine clothes in virtual dressing rooms, and buy real products.
XMetaReal generates value and concrete solutions through a balanced blend of innovation, strategy and creativity.
Our experiences and digital worlds cater for various areas: marketing, communication, events, brand experience, customer experience, community, engagement and entertainment.
Our framework is based on the 4E model:

Explore: it allows you to explore and blur the boundaries between the physical and the virtual. It generates curiosity and encourages engagement by allowing people to connect with each other and interact virtually.
Exhibition: people are the protagonists and creators of content. The Metaverse is a place of participation and sharing.
Extension: it represents a coherent and credible extension of physical reality.
Experience: everyone wants to “feel”, “have direct experience”, even digitally. The experience that people share is what gives the Metaverse value. An experience so immersive that it generates a strong desire to repeat it.
According to recent research from Forbes Insights and Glassbox, the digital customer experience is now what matters most to companies and professionals.
84% of executives say that offering a valuable digital experience that engages and attracts or retains customers is an important differentiator, essential for market success and competitiveness.
However, the Metaverse, the much discussed parallel virtual world, has still to be fully understood and defined. Many companies would like to enter but do not know how to do it, and their audience is not yet prepared.
Wherever you are on your journey into the Metaverse, we can help to guide you and find the best strategy for introducing the Metaverse into your company and achieving successful results.
It’s time to test boundaries, think big and embrace this new evolution.